Prospects for the use of polymer composite materials in the manufacture of prostheses (review)


Timoshkov P. N.1,Usacheva M. N.1,Khrulkov A. V.1,Grigorieva L. N.1


1. Federal state unitary enterprise "All-Russian scientifi c research institute of aviation materials" State research center of the Russian Federation


One of the areas of application of composite materials is their use in the manufacture of parts of prosthetic limbs. Advances in the development of composite materials in recent years have led to an active growth in their use in modern orthopedic medicine. Composites have excellent characteristics of strength and weight compared with metallic materials, as well as biocompatibility, which allows them to be used in the manufacture of prostheses. The article discusses various composite materials and their physico-mechanical properties, manufacturing companies and their products for people with different needs. VIAM has developed a whole series of materials that can be proposed for the manufacture of prostheses.


Publishing House Plastic Ltd


Polymers and Plastics,Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous)

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