The cooperation between physiotherapist and dentist in treatment of patient with functional disorders of the masticatory system – questionnaire survey


Grzegocka Marta1,Marjańska Małgorzata2,Kowacka Małgorzata3,Kijak Konrad4,Gronwald Helena1,Skomro Piotr1,Garstka Adam Andrzej1,Lietz-Kijak Danuta1


1. Department of Propaedeutic, Physical Diagnostics and Dental Physiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Pomeranian Medical University, Szczecin, Poland

2. Independent Public Specialist Health Care Facility in Szczecin Zdunowo, Poland

3. Independent Public Health Care Complex in Żarki, Poland

4. Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 1, Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, Poland


Introduction. The experience gained by dentists and physiotherapists in the field of masticatory organ dysfunctions in relation to the body as a whole confirms the belief that the issue of disorders of the masticatory organ motor system is not a local problem. Therefore, the treatment of this type of diseases should not be limited only to the reconstruction of static and dynamic occlusion using conservative, orthodontic or prosthetic methods, neglecting the appropriate mobilization of the musculoskeletal, fascial, osteoarticular chains associated with the cervical section and further sections of the spine. Limiting the diagnosis and therapy of functional disorders only to elements of the stomatognathic system may generate even greater ailments and diseases in the patient. A wide range of symptoms related to the stomatognathic system, causing unpleasant pain and emotional disorders, determines patients to seek help from many specialists, including: otolaryngologist, neurologist or physiotherapist. The patient has a chance to cure these health problems, provided that the entire rehabilitation team works: a dentist, a physiotherapist, a psychologist and a speech therapist specializing in masticatory system dysfunctions. Aim of study. The aim of the study was to determine the needs for establishing cooperation between a physiotherapist and dentist in the treatment of patients with functional disorders of the masticatory system. Material and methods. The research was conducted among 28 physiotherapists from the West Pomeranian Voivodeship. The diagnostic tool used was an interview questionnaire, containing a number of questions regarding the conditions and quality of establishing cooperation with a dentist in the management of patients referred for physiotherapy treatments for the treatment of disorders in the stomatognathic system. Conclusions. Existing physiotherapeutic methods shorten the duration of the disease, e.g. through massages, manual therapy (trigger point therapy, mobilization, post-isometric muscle relaxation), physical treatments (ultrasounds, biostimulation laser, cryotherapy, light therapy, magnetic field) and exercises (relaxation, stabilization, proprioception), which the patient performs under the supervision of a therapist and then alone at home. Achieving positive effects in the treatment of patients with stomatognathic disorders requires constant cooperation between a dentist and a physiotherapist. Only a comprehensive, holistic diagnostic and therapeutic approach is a condition for effective treatment.


DJ Studio Dariusz Jasinski


General Medicine,General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science,General Medicine,Ocean Engineering,General Medicine,General Medicine,General Medicine,General Medicine,General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science,General Medicine

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