1. USDA-Agricultural Research Service (ARS), Agroecosystems Management Research Unit, 117 Keim Hall, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA 68583
2. Idaho National Laboratory (INL), PO Box 1625, Idaho Falls, Idaho USA 83415-2025
3. USDA-ARS, National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment, 2110 University Boulevard, Ames, Iowa, USA 50011
4. USDA-ARS, North Central Soil Conservation Research Laboratory, 803 Iowa Ave., Morris, Minnesota, USA 56267
5. USDA-ARS, Soil & Water Management Rensearch Unit, Univ of Minnesota, 439 Borlaug Hall, 1991 Upper Buford Circle, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA 55108
6. USDA-ARS, Columbia Plateau Conservation Research Center, 48037 Tubbs Ranch Road, Adams, Oregon, USA 97810
7. USDA-ARS, Coastal Plains Soil, Water, and Plant Research Center, 2611 West Lucas Street, Florence, South Carolina, USA 29501
8. USDA-ARS, National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory (NSERL), 275 S. Russell Street, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA 47907-2077
9. USDA-ARS, Agroecosystem Management Research Unit, 316 Biochemistry Hall, Univ. of Nebraska, East Campus, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA 68583-0938