Rudisunhaji Muhamad Asngad,Dewi Intan Sari,Nurcholis Ahmad,Hidayatullah Syaikhu Ihsan
The role of learning competencies is as a reference for students' acting, behavioral, and thinking skills. The purpose of learning is as a reference to determine the type of material, strategies, methods, and media that will be used in the learning process. Learning Arabic aims at fostering language skills. On the other hand, there is a gap between theory and practice in its competency design and learning objectives. In this study, data collection techniques are based on interviews, observations and documentation that refer to a phenomenological qualitative approach. The findings indicate that there are disadvantages from its implementation including: First, the lack of harmony between the elements of competence and the competencies applied. Second, the lack of achievement of learning objectives due to the formulation of learning objectives and the application of learning objectives that are not in accordance with the theory of learning objectives. The design of competencies and the objectives of Arabic language learning will be achieved if the design and objectives of learning Arabic are in accordance with the basic philosophical formulation of competency designs and the objectives of Arabic language learning
Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University