Digitization of Personal Health Data and Big Data


ASLAN Şebnem1




Abstract The aim of the study is to reveal the importance of big data formed as a result of digitization of personal health data. In this direction, a literature review on the concepts of personal health data, electronic health records and big data has been made and the relationship between big data and personal health data has been discussed. In line with the literature review, it has been determined that with the development of information and communication technologies, there has been a change in the processing, storage and transfer of personal health data, and electronic health records have been created. It has been determined that large data storage areas are used instead of physical archives for the storage of these electronic health records. In addition, it has been determined that the big data created by the storage of electronic health records contribute to health services in many areas such as clinical decision making, quality service delivery and health promotion. In the study, it was concluded that the relationship between personal health data and big data improves health services and reduces human-induced errors that may occur. On the other hand, it is another result that many negative situations such as cyber attacks, malicious software companies, the intention of individuals who have control of health information systems, create privacy violations against this big data. Keywords: Personal data, personal health data, electronic health record, big data.


Iktisadi Idari ve Siyasal Arastirmalar Dergisi


Management Science and Operations Research,Mechanical Engineering,Energy Engineering and Power Technology

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