1. Ahn, S.J., 2021, Global Undersea Geomorphic Classification from GEBCO_2020 Grid Data, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Ewha womans.
2. Baek, S.G., Seo, Y.K., Jung J.H., Lee, Y.Y., Lee, E.I., Byun, D. S. and Lee, H.Y., 2022, Regional Topographic Characteristics of Sand Ridge in Korean Coastal Waters on the Analysis of Multibeam Echo Sounder Data. The Sea Journal of the Korean Society of Oceanography, 27(1), 33-47.
3. The blue carbon wealth of nations
4. Shoot morphometry and production dynamics of eelgrass in the northern Baltic Sea
5. Benthic habitat mapping: A review of progress towards improved understanding of the spatial ecology of the seafloor using acoustic techniques