Multiple choice exams appear as the most common method used to measure student success in education systems in Turkey and around the world. Evaluation of multiple choice exams is usually done by optical form reading systems using expensive optical forms and optical scanners. The most important reason for using optical form reading systems is to reduce the error rate to zero in the evaluation process. In this study, an alternative system is proposed for the evaluation of multiple choice exams. The designed system is a web-based software with high accuracy on evaluating that contains optical form design module, session planning module and evaluation module. The form in which the designed template will be printed on A4 paper instead of a special optical form and the system in which standard scanners will be used instead of the optical scanner, uses the image processing algorithms in the OpenCV library in the evaluation process which is an intermediate library developed in C#. The proposed system is coded to run in parallel to speed up the evaluation process. In order to determine the performance of the proposed system, the optical forms filled by 208 students studying at Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University, Department of Computer Engineering were evaluated. The accuracy rate of the system has been determined as 99.97%. It has been determined that 1 optical evaluation time, calculated by dividing the total time obtained by running in parallel, by the number of evaluated optical forms, varies between 1.7 seconds and 15 seconds, depending on the scanning resolution.
Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University
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