Endoscopic features in children suffering from chronic H. pylori-associated gastroduodenitis, depending on the type of constitution


Balko O. A.1ORCID,Kharitonova L. A.2ORCID,Sapozhnikov V. G.3ORCID


1. Tula State University; Tula City Vanykin Clinical Emergency Hospital

2. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

3. Tula State University; Tula Children’s Regional Clinical Hospital


Aims. Study of endoscopic features of the manifestation and dynamics of chronic gastroduodenitis in children, taking into account the types of constitution (somatotypes). Materials and methods. 250 patients diagnosed with Chronic gastroduodenitis aged 4 to 17 years have been studied, having morphological changes in the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum that meet the criteria for gastroduodenitis, as well as contamination with the H.pylori bacterium. The age, gender composition, types of the constitution according to the classification of M. V. Chernorutsky (based on the Pinier index). Endoscopic features of chronic gastroduodenitis were noted in a somatotype upon admission to the hospital and in dynamics against the background of the therapy. An analysis was carried out and an assessment was made of the impact of the constitutional specifics of the patient on the course of the disease and the results of treatment. Results and conclusion. It was revealed that the presence of an asthenic type of constitution predisposes to the frequent development of chronic gastroduodenitis in children, but a milder course with the development of superficial gastroduodenitis, in contrast to normostenic and hyperstenic types, prone to the development of hypertrophic and erosive gastroduodenitis. Despite this, the course of hypertrophic and erosive gastroduodenitis in asthenics is protracted in nature, in contrast to normostenics and hyperstenics.


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