Competitive advantages as the basis of a successful organizational strategy


Kyrych Nataliia,Yuryk Nataliia,Shveda NataliiaORCID


In the article the competitive advantages essence of the organization is considered and it stated the advantages presence in a particular area indicates the success of the organization compared to competitors. Competitive advantage can be seen (discovered) in comparing your own organization with competitors. An important and necessary element of the competitive advantage formation and further development is an effective strategy (including competitive) of the organization. In the article, it stated that competitive advantage is an integral part of the organization strategic potential and the basis of organization strong competitive position and determines the nature of its strategy. Today the innovation using is the main tool for achieving competitiveness and competitive advantage of the organization, that allows exploring market opportunities, tries to stand out from similar services of competitors and fill specific market segments. In the article, it defined that the new competitive advantages formation is the most important moment in the organization to achieve a stable competitive position in the market and its own success. Competitive position is a comparative description of the organization main market parameters in modern conditions and its products relative to the competitor. Determining your own competitive position is the first step for competitive analysis and organization’s future strategy development. It is investigated that experts distinguish several degrees of competitive position: dominant, strong, favorable, reliable, weak, and unviable. For an organization that plans its activities and tries to maintain a dominant or strong competitive position, it is proposed to implement the following types of strategy: differentiation strategy; research strategy; customer-oriented strategy; cost minimization; adaptive strategy. In the article, it stated that maintaining a strong position could occur when the company has defeated its rivals by its own unique differences and it is able to maintain these differences in the future. As a basis for success and competitive advantage, each organization is offered to pay strong attention to operational efficiency, ie efficiency with which the company performs better the same activities as its competitors.


Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University


General Engineering

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