A clinical case of atopic dermatitis with a rapid positive effect from the use of a genetically engineered biological drug in a teenager


Churyukina E. V.1ORCID,Portnyaga E. A.2ORCID


1. Rostov State Medical University; Kuban State Medical University

2. SM-Clinic


   Introduction. The instructions for the drug dupilumab indicate that the administration of a single loading dose on the first day leads to the rapid achievement of clinically effective concentrations within 2 weeks, which we saw in the example of our patient and her real clinical response to the first injection.   Presentation of a clinical case. Under our medical supervision was a 17-year-old patient with severe atopic dermatitis, resistant to traditional therapy. Heredity for allergic pathology is burdened: the girl’s mother suffers from pollen allergy. Initially before the start of therapy: SCORAD — 88 points, EASI — 48.8 points, IGA — 4, blood eosinophils — 11 % (1188 cells/ml), total IgE — 1102.0 IU/ml; the content of nitric oxide in exhaled air (FeNO) is 30 ppb. On April 28, 2021, the patient was administered dupilumab at a dose of 600 mg. Assessment of atopic dermatitis control in points upon admission to the hospital 2 weeks after the first administration of dupilumab: on the SCORAD scale — 44.5 points; EASI — 13.8 points; IGA — 2 points, eosinophils — 9 % (1070 cells/ml); total IgE — 840 IU/ml; FeNO — 5 ppb.   Conclusion. This clinical observation clearly illustrates the fact that patients with severe atopic dermatitis who don’t respond to first-line therapy can achieve positive clinical results after the first use of a recombinant human monoclonal antibody (IgG4).


Association of Pediatric Allergologists and Immunologists of Russia

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