The Avian Hippocampal Formation and the Stress Response


Smulders Tom V.


Though widely studied for its function in memory and navigation, the hippocampal formation (HF) in mammals also plays an important role in regulating the stress response. If this is an ancestral feature of the hippocampus, then it is likely that the avian HF plays a similar role. Indeed, the avian HF strongly expresses both mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors, and has indirect projections to the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, which controls the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Hippocampal lesions increase HPA activity, while electrical stimulation suppresses it. In addition, adult hippocampal neurogenesis in birds is reduced in response to different acute and chronic stressors, as it is in mammals. Because the mammalian hippocampus is functionally specialized along its septotemporal axis, with the temporal pole playing a more important role in the stress response, the hypothesis is put forward that a similar functional specialization exists in birds along the rostrocaudal hippocampal axis. Some, though not all, of the evidence supports a rostrocaudal functional gradient. The evidence for whether this is equivalent to the mammalian septotemporal organization is currently ambiguous at best and needs to be more extensively investigated.


S. Karger AG


Behavioral Neuroscience,Developmental Neuroscience

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