Background/Aims: We assessed how the novel PrisMax continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) system performed in a prospective international multicentre setting. We compared this device to its predecessor, the Prismaflex, with regards to multiple treatment parameters. Additionally, we performed a survey, aiming to measure user satisfaction. Methods: Data was prospectively collected from 7 intensive care units (ICU) in 6 countries. The PrisMax device data logs constituted the raw material. Clinical parameters like treatment time, filter life span, downtime, delivered dose and number and type of alarms were recorded. A user questionnaire was sent out to 3 of the participating ICUs. Results: Filter life, downtime, blood pump stops, bag changing time and number of malfunction alarms showed significantly improved values compared to the historic Prismaflex data. The survey showed high scores with regards to user friendliness. Conclusion: The PrisMax CRRT device is safe and outperformed its’ previous generation counterpart in virtually all aspects. Video Journal Club “Cappuccino with Claudio Ronco” at http://www.karger.com/?doi=489213.
Nephrology,Hematology,General Medicine
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12 articles.