Fibroadenomas are quite common benign lesions in the adolescent age group, but it is a cause of concern for the individual and the family. These may remain asymptomatic or may present with pain. Aesthetic distortion of the breast symmetry may lead to psychosocial morbidity in adolescent females. The diagnosis is initially made by ultrasound. Magnetic Resonance Imaging is done in some cases where the underlying pathology is doubtful. A 13-year-old female patient presented to the Radiology department with the complaint of pain in the left breast for the past 10-13 days. The patient had no family history of breast cancer and drug intake. Her unilateral mammography (owing to age) and ultrasound of the breast was performed. After examination and ultrasound Surgical removal of this tumor was decided and the patient was referred to the surgery department for excision. Proper diagnosis and treatment at an early stage are necessary as it can lead to the progression of mass and can be turned into cancer.
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