1. Elementary Science Study. Mystery Powders: Teacher's Guide. Hudson, NH: Delta Education. Ordering information for the guide and Mystery Powders kit is available at http://cf.synergylearning.org/DisplayResource.cfm?selectedresource=183.
2. Ferguson, R.F. (1991). Paying for public education: new evidence on how and why money matters. Harvard J. Legisl. 28, 465.
3. Fernandez, C., and Yoshida, M. (2001). Lesson Study as a model for improving teaching: insights, challenges, and a vision for the future. In: Eye of the Storm: Promising Practices for Improving Instruction. Findings from the 2000 Wingspread Conference. Washington, DC: Council for Better Education. Available online at http://www.c-b-e.org/PDF/EyeoftheStormFernandez.pdf.
4. Hammond, L.D., and Ball, D. L. (1997). Teaching for High Standards: What Policymakers Need to Know and Be Able to Do; National Education Goals Panel. Available at http://www.negp.gov/Reports/highstnds.htm.
5. Mills College. Lesson Study Group at Mills College. Available at http://www.lessonresearch.net.