1. Batson, C. D. (2009) ‘These Things Called Empathy. Eight Related but distinct Phenomena’ in Jean Decety and William Ickes (ed.) The Social Neuroscience of Empathy (Cambridge: MIT).
2. Blaffer Hardy, S. (2009) Mothers and Others. The Evolutionary Origins of Mutual Understanding (Cambridge: Harvard University Press).
3. Breithaupt, F. (2008) Kulturen der Empathie (Frankfurt a. M.: Suhrkamp; 2nd ed. 2009, no English translation yet).
4. Bruun Vaage, M. (2010) ‘Fiction Film and the Varieties of Empathic Engagement’. Midwest Studies in Philosophy, 34, pp. 158–179.
5. Butler, J. (2009) Frames of War: When is Life Grievable? (Brooklyn, NY: Verso).