1. Angelou, M. 1986. All God’s Children Need Travelling Shoes. New York: Random House. (Also (1987) London: Virago Press.).
2. Ashcroft, B. 2010. Transnation. In Rerouting the Postcolonial: New Directions for the New Millennium, ed. J. Wilson, C. Şandru, and S.L. Welsh, 72–85. New York: Routledge.
3. Atta, S. 2011. Swallow. Auckland Park: Jacana [first published (2010) Northampton, MA, Interlink Books].
4. Bredin, M. 1994. Blood on the Tracks: A Rail Journey from Angola to Mozambique. London: Picador.
5. Brah, A. 1996. Cartographies of Diaspora: Contesting Identities. London/New York: Routledge.