1. For a detailed discussion of linguistic historiography, see Janet Martin-Nielsen, “A forgotten social science? Creating a place for linguistics in the historical dialogue,” Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 47 (2011): 147–172.
2. Works on the history of postwar American linguistics include Geoffrey Huck and John Goldsmith, Ideology and LinguisticTheory: Noam Chomsky and The Deep Structure Debate (New York: Routledge, 1995);
3. Janet Martin-Nielsen, Private Knowledge, Public Tensions: Theory Commitment in Postwar American Linguistics (University of Toronto doctoral dissertation, 2009);
4. Janet Martin-Nielsen, “This war for men’s minds: the birth of a human science in Cold War America,” History of the Human Sciences 23 (2010a): 131–155;
5. Janet Martin-Nielsen, “Redefining what matters: Syntactic explanation in American linguistics, 1955–1970,” Canadian Journal of Linguistics 55 (2010b): 331–358;