1. David Anderson, Histories of the Hanged. Britain’s Dirty War in Kenya and the End of Empire (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2005), 25–27.
2. Djamila Amrane, Des Femmes Dans la Guerre d’Algérie: Entretiens (Paris: Karthala, 1994), 194.
3. Ranjana Khanna, Algeria Cuts: Women and Representation, 1830 to the Present (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2008), 83.
4. Anne Durand, Idir et Thérèse (Paris: Editions Thibaud, 1981), 71.
5. Lucienne Favre, Mille et Un Jours: Mourad (Brussels: Editions de la Toison d’Or, 1943).