1. Balázs, Béla. Theory of the Film: Character and Growth of a New Art. New York: Dover, 1970.
2. Batchen, Geoffrey. “Ectoplasm: Photography in the Digital Age.” Over Exposed: Essays on Contemporary Photography. Ed. Carol Squiers. New York: The New Press, 1999. 9–23.
3. Batchen, Geoffrey. “Spectres of Cyberspace.” The Visual Culture Reader. Ed. Nicholas Mirzoefff London: Routledge, 2002. 237–42.
4. Beard, William. Into the Past: The Cinema of Guy Maddin. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2010.
5. Bordwell, David. Pandora’s Digital Box: Films, Files, and the Future of Movies. Madison, WI: The Irvington Way Institute Press, 2012.