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2. Abounaddara Collective. 2015. A Right to the Image for All. A Concept Paper for a Coming Revolution. Post. Notes on Modern and Contemporary Art Around the Globe, 19th October 2015, available at https://post.at.moma.org/content_items/719-a-right-to-the-image-for-all-concept-paper-for-a-coming-revolution. Accessed 20 August 2019.
3. Abounaddara Collective. 2017. Dignity Has Never Been Photographed. Notes in Documenta 14, 24th March 2017, available at https://www.documenta14.de/en/notes-and-works/15348/dignity-has-never-been-photographed. Accessed 20 August 2019.
4. Abounaddara Collective. 2018. The Revolting Animals. Facebook, 8th March 2018, available at https://www.facebook.com/notes/abounaddara-films/the-revolting-animals-de-revolterande-djuren-la-r%C3%A9volte-des-animaux/1745373475523352/. Accessed 20 August 2019.
5. Agamben, Giorgio. 2004. Difference and Repetition. On Guy Debord’s Films. In Guy Debord and the Situationist International: Texts and Documents, ed. T. McDonough, 313–319. Cambridge: MIT.