1. All Chaucer citations are from The Riverside Chaucer, 3rd ed., gen ed. Larry D. Benson (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1987), by line number.
2. Sheila Delany, Chaucer’s House of Fame: The Poetics of Skeptical Fideism (Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1972), p. 44.
3. See also James J. Paxson, The Poetics of Personification (New York: Cambridge UP, 1994), pp. 117–118, on dreams and allegory.
4. Jacqueline Miller, “The Writing on the Wall: Authority and Authorship in Chaucer’s House of Fame,” Chaucer Review 17.2 (Fall 1982): 101.
5. Robert M. Jordan, “Lost in the Funhouse of Fame: Chaucer and Postmodernism,” Chaucer Review 18.2 (1983): 108.