1. A. Paton (1974) Apartheid and the Archbishop — The Life and Times of Geoffrey Clayton (London: Jonathan Cape), pp. 165–6.
2. B. Schwartz (1999) ‘Reveries of Race: The Closing of the Imperial Moment’, in B. Conekin, F. Mort and C. Waters (eds) Moments of Modernity-Reconstructing Britain, 1945–1964 (London: Rivers Oram Press).
3. J. Stuart (2004) ‘British Missionary Societies and African Nationalism’, in Brian Stanley (ed.) Missions, Nationalism, and the End of Empire (Grand Rapids, MN: Eerdmans), pp. 183–93.
4. Y. Dadoo and C. Jadwat (1948) South Africa — on the Road to Fascism (London: India League); Historical Documents, South African Communist Party, available at
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5. R. C. D. Jasper (1967) George Bell — Bishop of Ch I Chester (London: Oxford University Press), pp. 246–87; Hastings, English Christianity, 1920–1985, pp. 375–9.