1. Liam Weeks, ‘Parties and the party system’, pp. 137–67 in John Coakley and Michael Gallagher (eds), Politics in the Republic of Ireland, 5th edn (Abingdon: Routledge and PSAI Press, 2010), at p. 143.
2. Michael Laver and Audrey Arkins, ‘Coalition and Fianna Fáil’, pp. 192–207 in Michael Gallagher and Richard Sinnott (eds), How Ireland Voted 1989 (Galway: PSAI Press, 1990).
3. John Garry, ‘The demise of the Fianna Fáil/Labour “Partnership” government and the rise of the “Rainbow” coalition’, Irish Political Studies 10 (1995), pp. 192–9;
4. Kevin Rafter, Democratic Left. the life and death of an Irish political party (Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 2011), pp. 155–9.
5. Nicole Bolleyer, ‘The Irish Green Party: from protest to mainstream party?’, Irish Political Studies 25:4 (2010), pp. 603–24, at p. 615.