1. Byron’s Letters and Journals, ed. Leslie A. Marchand, 12 vols (John Murray, London, 1973–82), 7, p. 17.
2. Samuel Bamford, Passages in the Life of a Radical (London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1967, first pubd 1844), 23.
3. Byron’s Bulldog: The Letters of John Cam Hobhouse to Lord Byron, ed. Peter W. Graham (Ohio State University Press, Columbus, 1984), p. 284.
4. See for example Erdman’s essay in Shelley and His Circle, vol. 3, ed. Kenneth Neill Cameron (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., and Oxford University Press, London, 1970), pp. 282–323
5. Andrew Rutherford, Byron: A Critical Study (Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh and London, 1961), p. 187.