1. Kevin Dolan, 2007, Laboratory Animal Law, 2nd edn, at172, Blackwell, Oxford.
2. Henry Cohen, 2006, “The Animal Welfare Act,” 2 J Animal L. 13; see also Mariann Sullivan, 2007, “The Animal Welfare Act — What’s That?,” 79-Aug NY St. B.J. 17.
3. This brief summary is taken from Dolan, Laboratory Animal Law, an outstanding resource on this topic. For a summary of the laws in Australasia governing animals used in research see P. Gerber, 2009, “Scientific Experimentation on Animals: Are Australia and New Zealand Implementing the 3Rs?,” in Peter Sankoff and Steven White, eds., at212–229, Animal Law in Australasia: A New Dialogue, Federation Press, Sydney.
4. Gaverick Matheny and Cheryl Leahy, 2007, “Farm-Animal Welfare, Legislation, and Trade,” 70-WTR Law & Contemp. Probs, 325, 325.
5. D. Wolfson and M. Sullivan, 2004, “‘Foxes in the Hen House’: Animals, Agribusiness, and the Law: A Modern American Fable,” in C. Sunstein and M. Nussbaum, eds., Animal Rights: Current Debates and New Directions, at 205–206, Oxford University Press, New York; see also David Wolfson, 1996, “Beyond the Law: Agribusiness and the Systemic Abuse of Animals raised for Food or Food Production,” 2 Animal L. 123; David Wolfson, 1999, “McLibel,” 5 Animal L. 21.