1. Marcia Falkender, Downing Street in Perspective (London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1983), p. 233.
2. The percentage was calculated from data available in Jacques-Rene Ralier and Ronald Ingelhart, Euro-Barometer-3: European Men and Women (Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-Union Consortium for Political and Social Research, May 1975), p. 42.
3. Jorgen Rasmussen, “The Electoral Costs of Being a Woman in the 1979 British General Election,” Comparative Politics, 15 (July 1983), pp. 461–75.
4. Susan Riley, “Ms. Representing Feminism?” This Magazine, 26 (May 1993), p. 13.
5. Uma Vasudev, Indira Gandhi (London: Vikas Publishing House, 1974), p. 406.