1. Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners Ltd. (2005). Economic impact of the MetroCentre, Company report for Capital Shopping Centres.
2. Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners Ltd (2005). Economic Impact of the Lakeside Regional Shopping & Leisure Centre, Company report for Capital Shopping Centres.
3. Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners Ltd (2006). Economic Impacts of the Cribbs Causeway Regional Shopping Centre, Company report for Capital Shopping Centres.
4. Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners Ltd (2006). Economic Impacts of the Braehead Regional Shopping Centre, Company report for Capital Shopping Centres.
5. Extensive analyses of different kinds of trips to regional shopping centres can be found in Roger Tym & Partners (1994). The Merry Hill Extension, a Retail Impact Study for Chesterfield Plc, Roger Tym & Partners, London; and Howard, E.B. & Davies, R.L. (1993). The Impact of Regional out-of-town Retail Centres: The case of the Metro Centre. Pergamon Press, London.