1. The arguments found in this chapter are developed fully in Jeff Horn, The Path Not Taken: Trench Industrialization in the Age of Revolution (Cambridge, MA, 2006), pp. 89–126.
2. George Rudé, Paris and London in the Tighteenth Century: Studies in Popular Protest (New York, 1970), p. 69,
3. Steven L. Kaplan, ‘Réflexions sur la police du monde du travail, 1700–1815’, Revue historique, 261 (1979), pp. 35, 69–70;
4. Michael Sonenscher, ‘Journeymen, the Courts and the French Trades 1781–1791’, Past and Present, 114 (1987), pp. 77, 81.
5. See Roger Picard, Les cahiers de 1789 et les classes ouvrières (Paris, 1910).