1. Oliver Wendell Holmes, (1995) The Collected Works of Justice Holmes, 3, Ed. Sheldon M. Novick. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press) p. 115.
2. “Holmes to Lewis Einstein, June 17, 1908,” in Oliver Wendell Holmes, The Essential Holmes: Selections from the Letters, Speeches, Judicial Opinions, and Other Writings of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., (1992) Ed. Richard Posner. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press) p. 70.
3. Mark De Wolfe Howe, Ed., (1953) Holmes-Laski Letters. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press) p. 21.
4. Albert Alschuler, (2000) Law without Values, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press) p. 18.
5. And see Anne C. Dailey, (1998) “Holmes and the Romantic Mind,” Duke Law Journal, 48(3), PP. 429, 483.