Motion capture systems: medical and technical assessment of the current stage of technology development. Literature review


Ivanova M. D.1,Muravev S. V.2,Kloyan G. Z.1,Nikitin V. N.1,Shitoev I. D.1


1. Perm National Research Polytechnic University

2. YordTech LLC


Objective: to conduct a comparative medical and technical analysis of existing motion capture systems.Materials and methods: open data sources (e-library, Scopus, PubMed, etc.) were used as a scientific base to achieve this aim. The search depth is not limited.Results: information about marker-free and marker motion capture systems, including inertial, mobile, mechanical, optoelectronic, magnetic and systems using virtual reality technology, is consistently presented. A comparative analysis of the medical and technical characteristics of the presented systems was carried out.Conclusion: it is shown that motion capture systems are a promising direction for the development of a whole group of tools for the diagnosis of locomotor function, which can be successfully integrated into a sports medicine clinic. Motion capture systems vary in their technical parameters, which requires a deep analytical approach in their use to solve different clinical problems.


National Alliance of Medicine and Sports - Healthy Generation


Biochemistry (medical),Rehabilitation,Orthopedics and Sports Medicine

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