Prospects for using space greenhouses as a part of a suite of crew life support systems of a lunar orbital station, a lunar base and interplanetary transfer vehicles


Berkovich Yuliy A.1,Smolyanina Svetlana O.1,Zheleznyakov Aleksandr G.2,Guzenberg Arkadiy S.2


1. Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2. S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Public Corporation Energia


It is planned to include greenhouses in the suite of regenerative life support systems for crews of manned long-duration space vehicles to improve their habitability. Space greenhouses will provide crew members with green vegetables containing digestible vitamins and dietary fibers, as well as psychophysiological support during long space missions. The paper presents an analytical review of designs of a number of greenhouses in our country and abroad, both existing and under construction that are capable of operating in spaceflight environment. It describes their key design and operational properties, analyses problems standing in the way of developing more productive space greenhouses. It explains the advantages of our country’s conveyor-type space greenhouse with cylindrical planting surface for continuous production of vitamin-rich greens and other vegetables onboard a manned spacecraft. It points out the need to construct our country’s ground prototype for a full-scale space greenhouse to develop the process for growing plants in orbital station, transportation vehicles, in lunar and Martian outposts. Key words: regenerative life support systems, habitat, space greenhouse, cylindrical planting surface.


RSC Energia

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1. Bibliography;Biological Experiments in Space;2021







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