1. ACI Committee 408R (2003) Bond and Development of Straight Reinforcing Bars in Tension. American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, p 42
2. Federation internationale du beton, The Int. Federation for Structural Concrete, Bond of reinforcement in concrete, fib Bulletin No. 10, 2000, 434 p., ISBN: 978-2-88394-050-5
3. Tepfers RA (1973) Theory of Bond Applied to Overlapped Tensile Reinforcement Splices for Deformed Bars. Doctor thesis. Work No. 723, Publ. 73:2. Division of Concrete Structures, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, p. 328
4. ACI Committee 318 (2011) Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete. American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, p 369
5. AASHTO (1989) Standard Specification for Highway Bridges, 14th edn. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington D.C