Non-structural traps and reservoir flanks are characterized by angular unconformities. Angular unconformity between dipping formation and sub-horizontal oil-water contact is common in the North Sea fields. This paper presents an approach to real-time inversion of LWD resistivity data for the scenario with angular unconformity. The approach utilizes artificial neural networks (ANNs) for calculating the tool responses in parametric surface-based 2D resistivity models. We propose a parametric model with two non-parallel boundaries suitable for scenarios with angular unconformity and pinch-out. Training of ANNs for this parametric model is performed using a database containing samples with the model parameters and corresponding tool responses. ANNs are the kernel of 2D inversion based on the Levenberg-Marquardt optimization method. To demonstrate applicability of our approach and compare with the results of 1D inversion, we analyze Extra Deep Azimuthal Resistivity tool responses in a 2D synthetic model. It is shown that 1D inversion determines either the position of the oil-water contact or dipping layers structure. At the same time, 2D inversion makes it possible to correctly reconstruct the positions of non-parallel boundaries. Performance of 2D inversion based on ANNs is suitable for real-time applications.
Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering