Employers Assessment of the Demand for Universal Competencies Among Bachelors of Physical Culture


Filonov L. V.1


1. N.I. Lobachevsky National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University


The relevance of this work is due to the demand in the field of physical education and sport for bachelors who are able to qualitatively meet the targets of strategies and federal programs. The article is aimed at assessing the employers’ demand for universal competencies in the professional activity of bachelors of training direction 49.03.01 “Physical Culture”. For the organization of the research the methods of questionnaire and group expert assessment were used. Theoretical analysis of employers’ assessment of the quality of educational activities and the level of training of graduates in Russian universities; ways of interaction of educational organizations of higher education with representatives of enterprises and organizations in Russia and in Western countries was carried out. Theoretical analysis of interaction of educational organizations with employers, conducted in the article, will allow faculties to modernize their own model of interaction with organizations of physical culture and sports industry. The results of the questionnaire survey will become an impetus for finalizing the working programs of disciplines to improve the level of formation of universal competencies of future bachelors of physical education. Effective ways of interaction between employers and educational organizations of higher education are considered to be open days; job fairs; industrial practice; excursions to employers; joint events, where students participate in trainings, master classes, analyze cases from enterprises and organizations, create ideas and work out projects to solve specific problem situations in the interests of employers.


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow Pedagogical State University» (MPGU)

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