The K3 category of a cubic fourfold


Huybrechts Daniel


Smooth cubic hypersurfaces $X\subset \mathbb{P}^{5}$ (over $\mathbb{C}$) are linked to K3 surfaces via their Hodge structures, due to the work of Hassett, and via a subcategory ${\mathcal{A}}_{X}\subset \text{D}^{\text{b}}(X)$, due to the work of Kuznetsov. The relation between these two viewpoints has recently been elucidated by Addington and Thomas. In this paper, both aspects are studied further and extended to twisted K3 surfaces, which in particular allows us to determine the group of autoequivalences of ${\mathcal{A}}_{X}$ for the general cubic fourfold. Furthermore, we prove finiteness results for cubics with equivalent K3 categories and study periods of cubics in terms of generalized K3 surfaces.




Algebra and Number Theory

Reference60 articles.

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1. K3 surfaces associated to a cubic fourfold;Indagationes Mathematicae;2024-09

2. On Symplectic Birational Self-Maps of Projective Hyperkähler Manifolds of K3[n]-Type;International Mathematics Research Notices;2024-05-29

3. O’Grady tenfolds as moduli spaces of sheaves;Forum of Mathematics, Sigma;2024

4. Cubic fourfolds, Kuznetsov components, and Chow motives;Documenta Mathematica;2023-10-16

5. Twisted cubics on cubic fourfolds and stability conditions;Algebraic Geometry;2023-09-01







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