Evaluation of the CPIRO score on the outcomes of management actions for patients with hollow organ perforation at Dr. Soetomo General Hospital in the years 2019-2022


Zainuri Mohammad Maksum,Septarendra Denny,Wibowo Marjono Dwi


Link of Video Abstract: https://youtu.be/k4WZuJF_ejc   Introduction: Generalized peritonitis is a surgical emergency caused by the perforation of hollow organs. In Indonesia, the incidence of peritonitis is approximately 179,000 cases. The CPIRO score is one of the scoring systems that can predict sepsis patients' prognosis and mortality. It is relatively straightforward to perform. Methods: This study has an observational analytic design, a retrospective cohort from the medical record data of 94 patients with hollow organ perforation in the 2019-2022 treatment year at our health center, Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya. We performed a cross-sectional analysis and performance analysis by comparing the sensitivity, specificity, NPV, PPV and accuracy of each of the results of the CPIRO score in assessing mortality and determining the cutoff. Results: We found that exploratory laparotomy dominates most procedures, as much as 73.4%. With the outcome of patients with hollow organ perforation, 52.1% died. The highest prevalence of CPIRO score is at score 4, with 35.1% of patients. It was also found that the optimalcCPIRO cut-off was 4 with sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, and accuracy values of 77.6%, 75.6%, 77.6%, 75.6% and 76.6%, respectively, with p<0.001. Conclusion: This concludes that the CPIRO score strongly correlates with the outcome and can be used to determine treatment choices for hollow organ perforation patients.


DiscoverSys, Inc.








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