Asih Akas Yekti Pulih,Setianto Budhi,Adriansyah Agus Aan,Hasina Siti Nur,Sa’adah Nikmatus
Background: Law No. 32 of the year 2009 and the government regulation of Indonesian Republic No. 27 of the year 2012 concerning "Environmental Permits" emphasizes that every business and activity that has impacts on the environment needs to be analyzed from the beginning in order to measures and to control negative impacts as early as possible. Assessment of environmental quality in the Surabaya Islamic Hospital environment is necessary to fulfill several assessment indicators. This study aims to analyze requirements related to existing environmental quality.
Methods: This cross-sectional study processes secondary data in the health unit environment of the Surabaya Islamic Hospital in semester 1 of 2021.
Results: Surabaya Islamic Hospital in Semester I of 2021 becomes a class B private hospital operating with a capacity of 188 beds. Electricity and monthly water usage are 81,574.83 kWh/month and 5,695.5 m3/month, respectively. The number of workers available at the Surabaya Islamic Hospital is as many as 614 workers. Laboratory test results for wastewater and ambient air quality at the Surabaya Islamic Hospital Semester I of 2021 meet the raw quality score. Transportation of toxic and hazardous medical waste materials at the Surabaya Islamic Hospital Semester I of 2021 is taken almost every day (around 4 times a week), and B3 packaging waste management using B3/HD bottles and infusion bottles during the COVID-19 pandemic cannot be carried out every month/according to schedule. There is accumulation due to PPKM, and during the first semester of 2021, only 2x transportation can be carried out, namely in March and April 2021.
Conclusion: Several feasibility parameters for ambient air quality, emission air quality, and physical and chemical examination of liquid and solid wastewater have met the requirements of the evaluation structure set by the Surabaya Islamic Hospital.