The effectiveness of heat patch on afterpain levels during the puerperium


Lailatul Khusnul Rizki ,Nur masruroh ,Yati Isnaini Safitri


Background: Afterpain is the perception of pain, manifested by cramps and heartburn caused by uterine contractions in the postpartum period or puerperium. Afterpain can cause the postpartum period to be less comfortable. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of heat patch on afaterpain levels during the puerperium at PMB Ainun Mufidah. Methods: This study used an experimental design with a pre-post-test group using postpartum mothers who gave birth at PMB Ainun Mufidah. All samples that matched inclusion criteria were instructed to wear a heat patch by placing it on the abdomen for 8 hours/day and being observed for 3 consecutive days. The pain level assessment was done by a numerical rating of the pain scale before and after the treatment. The data was collected and analyzed using SPSS ver. 20. Results: 24 postpartum mothers were included in this study, mostly aged 20-35 years. The highest level of afterpain reduction was found on the second postpartum day. The paired t-test showed a significant difference in afterpain levels between pre and post-treatment (p<0,001). Conclusion: There was a significant difference in afterpain levels before and after giving heat patches to postpartum mothers.


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