Scientific justification of the innovative approach to health control in students from general educational institutions of various types


Setko AG1,Zhdanova OM1,Tyurin AV1


1. Orenburg State Medical University, Orenburg, Russia


Increasing academic load, intensification of academic activity, use of not priorly certified innovative pedagogical technologies have been linked with steadily declining health in students. This is how a search for new effective methods of formation, strengthening and increasing health of students is initiated. An important task is to provide for scientific justification of the innovative approach to health control in students from general educational institutions of various types. Heavy academic activity, research of the functional condition of the central nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems were assessed in lyceum and school students in Grades 9–10. Students from an ‘at‑risk’ group had their psychophysiological condition corrected; the effectiveness was assessed by comparison of psychophysiological indicators before and after the session. When intensive academic activity is involved, adolescents from a lyceum had better operational indicators of the central nervous system, and functional indicators of the respiratory system as compared with schoolchildren. Students from the both groups had reduced biological, social and psychological adaptation. Sessions of functional biocontrol resulted in the increased number of those examined with normal working capacity and satisfactory biological adaptation against the background of a decreasing number of adolescents with a high level of psychoemotional stress. Functional biocontrol is an effective correction method of psychophysiological state of those educated. This determines the necessity of its use in educational institutions of various types.


Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

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