Preservation of health of medical students, including those with special educational needs: current problems


Dubrovina EA1,Goncharova GA2


1. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia

2. Association of Organizations and Specialists in the Field of Hygiene "Union of Hygienists"


The article analyzes the experience of developing health preservation competencies of medical students in the context of blended learning and application of innovative health preservation techniques. Health preservation is a multilevel problem that requires an integrated approach implying readiness of medical graduates to respond flexibly to the changing landscape of their professional activities; therefore, the article discusses some promising options of mastering universal competencies and their integration into the educational process while factoring in the current knowledge on hygiene education, patterns of thinking, psychology of consciousness, decision-making and practical skills, all of which should be developed and consolidated by applying the various current forms, technologies and methods of work.


Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

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