1. Pusat Penelitian Metalurgi dan Material, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Indonesia
J4 series stainless steel (SS) is austenitic alloy steel containing chromium and mangan, which has moderate strength and corrosion resistance. However, austenitic SS alloys generally undergo a sensitization process during heat treatment that decreases metal mechanical properties. The investigation of mechanical properties effect on J4 series SS toward the various temperature of metal was carried out at the temperature range of 600oC – 1050oC. The decrease of tensile strength, yield strength, and hardness are followed by increasing toughness and elongation in an increasing metal temperature up to 1050oC. This behavior of mechanical properties is caused by the transformation of α’-martensite phase to the austenitic phase with increasing heating temperature. On the other side, a significant decrease in toughness, yield strength, and elongation at the temperature of 700oC indicate a sensitization process on J4 stainless steel. The process of sensitization will correspond to the susceptibility of stress corrosion cracking on stainless steel.
Institute of Research and Community Services Diponegoro University (LPPM UNDIP)