The development of A Simulation Tool for Numerical Modelling of High Flexure and High Shear Reinforced Concrete Elements


Nuroji Nuroji1,Asshidiqie Muhammad Rony1,Sukamta Sukamta1,Han Ay Lie1ORCID


1. Departemen Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia


The weakness of full-scale testing of reinforced concrete elements in a laboratory is the long period, both to prepare and test specimens and the high-cost, resulting in a limited number of specimens. The heavy specimen creates another difficulty during set-up. Data accuracy depends on apparatus precision, laboratory conditions, and the technicians' expertise in experimenting. A finite element model was constructed to simulate a reinforced concrete element subject to high flexure and shear stresses induced by vertical and horizontal forces to overcome these constraints. The model can further be utilized to evaluate the effects of independent variables on the behavior of the member. The model was validated both numerically and experimentally to ensure accuracy and precision. The numerical validation was conducted through a sensitivity analyses process on the finesses of meshing and loading incrementation. At the same time, the load-deformation data and the crack propagation of identical laboratory-tested elements were utilized for validation of the experimental data. It was proven that the developed model predicts the behavior of the beam to a high degree of correctness. The model can further be used as a tool for analyses in the field.


Institute of Research and Community Services Diponegoro University (LPPM UNDIP)







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