Ethical Aspects of Using Artificial Intelligence in the Educational Process of Secondary Schools


Haidamaka IvanORCID


The article investigates the current use of artificial intelligence technologies and services in the educational process of general secondary education institutions by participants in the educational process – teachers and students. An analysis of research and publications that highlight the issues of using artificial intelligence in education has been conducted. The potential and specific features of implementing artificial intelligence at the present stage are outlined. Positive developments in pedagogical practice regarding the use of artificial intelligence in the educational process are identified. Risks and negative trends that need to be considered to ensure fair and safe use of AI in education are highlighted. In particular, important ethical aspects of applying artificial intelligence in the educational process are emphasized, the consideration and implementation of which are urgent needs for the ethical and responsible use of AI-based tools. This will improve teaching practices and the learning experience of students, ensuring they develop future skills within ethical frameworks, and provide teachers with the support needed to enhance the effectiveness of their pedagogical activities and the development of innovative teaching methods.


The State Scientific Institution “Institute of Education Content Modernization”

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