Formation of a Patriotic Personality in the Educational Process of a Modern School Using the Means of Cossack Pedagogics


Maftyn LarysaORCID


The article is devoted to the problem of patriotic upbringing of a growing personality and the disclosure of the role of Cossack pedagogy in this process. The author carried out an analysis of the study of the problem of patriotic education in scientific literature; the educational potential of Cossack pedagogy is emphasized, as it contributes to the formation of a nationally conscious personality, ready to defend the national interests of its state if necessary. The purpose of the article is to highlight the peculiarities of patriotic upbringing of a growing personality based on the heroic traditions of the Ukrainian Cossacks in the conditions of modern challenges. In the conditions of martial law, the education of a growing personality in the glorious traditions of Ukrainian Cossacks, the popularization of Cossack ideals in society becomes especially relevant. Cossack traditions, as the embodiment of national values, renew the modern educational process, fill it with patriotic content, strengthen the philosophy of the National School of Education, the Strategy of National Patriotic Education, and contribute to the formation of the Ukrainian-centric value sphere of the individual. In order to encourage schoolchildren to personal growth, motivation for self-realization, a healthy lifestyle, tempering of will and character, readiness to protect their land, priority areas of work are such as: studying the history of the Ukrainian Cossacks, heroic traditions of brave knights and their popularization; organization of sports and health camps; creation of martial arts groups, etc. Among the features of the upbringing of a growing personality in the traditions of the Ukrainian Cossacks, we include the following: taking into account the age characteristics of students; careful selection of the content of such educational material, which will contribute to the development of the student's ability to willfully regulate his behavior, leadership qualities, perseverance, valuable national guidelines; use of the health-saving potential of the traditions of Cossack pedagogy in the realities of war (psychological support, work with stress, anxiety reduction, breathing practices, stimulation of positive emotions); reasonableness and systematicity in the application of Ukrainian Cossack traditions in the process of educational influence on students.


The State Scientific Institution “Institute of Education Content Modernization”


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Surfaces, Coatings and Films

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