А rare tumor in the practice of oncoophthalmologist — is an oncocytoma of the lacrimal gland


Shimotkina Е. V.1,Semenova L. Е.1,Vlasova О. S.1,Kuchenkova I. А.1


1. Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Center of Oncology and Nuclear Medicine


Introduction. Oncocytoma is an epithelial tumor, characterized by a benign course and has a favorable prognosis. The description of this clinical case is due to the rare occurrence of lacrimal gland oncocytoma in clinical  practice and a small number of publications in the literature.Methods. A case study of the lacrimal gland oncocytoma is presented in a young patient, followed up for a long time.Results. The presented clinical case demonstrates the need for morphological diagnosis of lacrimal gland formations, despite the benign nature of the tumor and the favorable course of the disease. Discussion. Analysis of a clinical example and a review of the literature clearly demonstrates the need for differential diagnosis of tumors of the lacrimal gland.Conclusion. It is necessary to include the described pathology in the differential diagnostics of any neoplasms of the lacrimal gland and orbit in order to prevent an unwarranted expansion of surgical intervention, with subsequent dynamic monitoring of patients with this pathology.


Ural State Medical University

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