Early onset of veno-venous hemodiafiltration in treatment of severe combined trauma (clinical observation)


Lonchinsky P. A.1,Cherpakov R. A.2,Loginov M. A.1,Suryakhin V. S.3,Salikov A. V.3


1. City Clinical Hospital n. a. V. M. Buyanov

2. Research Institute for General Reanimatology n.a. V.A. Negovsky of Federal Scientific and Clinical Centre for Resuscitation and Rehabilitology; Research Institute for Emergency Medicine n. a. N. V. Sklifosovsky

3. City Clinical Hospital n. a. V. M. Buyanov; Russian National Research Medical University n. a. N. I. Pirogov


Severe combined trauma is characterized by high mortality both among young people (above 20 %) and among the older age group (about 45 %). Correction of metabolic disorders is the most difficult task, especially in the first hours after injury.Objective. To demonstrate the effectiveness of early initiation of veno-venous hemodiafiltration on the example of successful treatment of a patient with severe combined trauma (ISS is 57 points).Clinical observation. Patient A., 19 years old, was taken to the surgical intensive care unit by an ambulance team with a directional diagnosis of ‘severe combined injury’ as a result of falling from a height of the 6th floor in a state of alcoholic intoxication. Considering the impossibility of correcting waterelectrolyte and metabolic disorders by conservative methods, it was decided to start extracorporeal treatment early in the volume of prolonged venovenous hemodiafiltration with citrate-calcium anticoagulation (Ci-Ca CVVHD). In addition, the patient received therapy within the framework of the current recommendations for the treatment of severe combined trauma. Against the background of the ongoing treatment, there was a distinct positive trend. Vasopressor support was discontinued on day 3, and on day 15 the patient was transferred to independent breathing. In total, one CVVHD session was conducted, with a total duration of 62 hours. The patient’s stay in the intensive care unit was 29 days, in the profile distance – 4 days with subsequent discharge.Conclusions. The use of the CVVHD method in a patient with severe combined trauma in the early period without the phenomena of acute kidney injury contributed to the relief of metabolic disorders with the stabilization of the homeostasis system. However, in order to form conclusions and expand indications for the use of extracorporeal detoxification methods in patients with severe combined trauma, further study of this issue is necessary.


Alfmed LLC


Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry

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