Aim. To evaluate the temperature proximal-to-distal dorsalhand gradient (PDG) in patients with altered glucose metabolism.Methods. Analyzed 120 patients with altered glucose metabolism, divided to three groups: group 1 — abnormal glucose tolerance test (R73) and type 2 diabetes mellitus without complications (E11.9) — 50 pts, 30 m/20 f, mean age 61,5 ± 11,1), group 2 — Type 1 diabetes mellitus [Е10] — 25 pts, 7 m/18 f, mean age 44,4 ± 13,1); group 3 — type 2 diabetes mellitus with multiple complications [Е11.7] and type 2 diabetes mellitus with unspecified complications [Е11.8] — 45 pts, 14 m /31 f., mean age 62,2 ± 10,8). Thermal images were shoot by Russian made thermography camera TVS–300med, 388 x 360 pix, sensitivity 0,03℃. PDG calculated as a difference between mean temp of proximal and distal phalanges of 2–5 fingers and estimated for right or left hand separately.Results. Two thermography signs were observed: «inverted» PDG, when temperature of distal phalanges is higher than proximal and founded more often in group 1 and «false normal», when temperature of proximal phalanges is higher than distal, and name in this manner, because founded more often in «complicated» groups 2 and 3. Analysis confirmed that group 1 and group 3 pts significantly differed in mean PDG value (p<0,05).Conclusion. Our results show that thermography examination pointed out variety of dorsal hand signs for altered glucose metabolism and significant difference in mean PDG value for group 1 and 3. Therefore infrared thermography could be suggested as an objective tool for screening and monitoring of disease.
Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry
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