Capabilities of gamma-spectrometry methods for on-line monitoring of nitride SNF pyrochemical reprocessing
Container-title:Nuclear Energy and Technology
Kanashov Boris,Smirnov Valery,Kadilin Vladimir,Ibragimov Renat,Dedenko Grigory,Vlasik Konstantin,Rudenko Vladimir,Glagovsky Eduard,Lupar Yevgeny,Poletov Grigory,Lomtev Yevgeny,Smirnov Aleksandr,Khrunov Vladimir
The paper reports the first test results for detectors of various types and equipment of gamma-spectrometry channels under external radiation originating from pyrochemical reprocessing of spent mixed nitride uranium-plutonium (MNUP) fuel. Testing was carried out on a solid-state detector with a CdZnTe crystal, a scintillation detector with a LaBr3crystal, and an ionization chamber based on compressed xenon. Simulated external gamma-radiation was created by means of a Co-based scattered gamma-radiation source. The paper also describes an experimental facility and a measurement technique, and presents the facility testing results for the above three detectors. The solid-state detector was proved to have the best performance. However, achieving the design characteristics of the gamma-spectrometry channel requires new solutions for protection and collimation of gamma-radiation produced by a real MNUP SNF reprocessing facility. What is meant here is the influence of the detectors’ geometry on the configuration of the protective collimator which is proposed to be used in real conditions. Thus, if a Xe-based detector is used, the calculated mass of the protective collimator is 900 kg, while it is possible to use less massive protection for the other detectors. In addition, when manufacturing neutron shielding for detectors based on CdZnTe and LaBr3, it is necessary to consider the neutron radiation factor in MNUP SNF processing. It is possible to surround the collimator with a moderating layer (for example, polyethylene) and create inside it a skin from a thermal neutron absorber (for example, based on cadmium).
Pensoft Publishers