Botryosphaeriales species are important pathogens that have worldwide distribution. In this study, 23 Botryosphaeriales strains were isolated from 13 host species during a dieback disease survey in Beijing, China. Based on morphological and phylogenetic analyses, six Botryosphaeriales species were identified, including two new species named Dothiorella hortiarborumsp. nov. and Phaeobotryon fraxinisp. nov., and four new host records: Aplosporella ginkgonis from Cotinus coggygria var. cinereus, A. javeedii from Acer miyabei, Acer truncatum, Forsythia suspensa, Lagerstroemia indica, Sambucus williamsii, Syringa vulgaris, Ulmus pumila, Xanthoceras sorbifolium, A. yanqingensis from Acer truncatum, and Do. acericola from Forsythia suspensa, Ginkgo biloba, and Syringa oblata. This study enriches the species diversity associated with tree dieback in Beijing, China, and contributes to the further study of the taxonomy of this order.