This article characterizes a lining framework wherein the administration is given in a solitary stage. Clients show up in bunches follows the FCFS discipline. Customers appearance follows a Poisson dispersion. Administration follows a general conveyance. After the culmination of the administration, if there are no clients in the framework, server goes for a long get-away with a likelihood p in any case server remains in the framework with likelihood 1-p.Here long excursion is given in two phases. After the fulfillment of the long excursion of stage2, it gets into a discretionary short get-away. Next, administration proceeds once more. This covering issue is analyzed through a birth passing system of Queuing speculation and it's clarified by one among the coating issue procedure known to be gainful variable technique. The model is all around explained very well by techniques for sensible application. The model is all around supported by methods for numerical depiction and graphical technique